Don’t let a sluggish computer ruin your gaming experience. Let’s learn how to keep your computer and games running smoothly by following these tips.
Tip 1: Disk Defragmenter. The defragmenter will organize your files so the computer can use the files you are accessing faster, since it won’t have to search as long. Run this program with as few programs running in the background as possible. I suggest defragging your drive(s) every couple of weeks, before you install a program, or after you uninstall a few programs.
Find it here: Start -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Defragmenter
Tip 2: ScanDisk. This system utility checks for surface, folder and file errors and corrects them. Run this program if you computer was not shut down properly, creating a lot of error messages, or if programs seem to functioning abnormally. I suggest using scandisk about once a week to keep your drive(s) in top shape.
Find it here: Start -> Accessories -> System tools -> Scandisk
Tip 3: Disk Clean Up. It will clean up your hard drive, will get rid of Internet files (if you use Internet Explorer), temporary files, and files in the recycle bin. If you use another browser, like Netscape, you will need to find the cache or temporary files folder within Windows Explorer to delete the unnecessary files. Delete cookies in your Internet folder. You don’t need them, and after awhile you may have a lot of cookies just hanging out on your drive. Uninstall programs you don’t use anymore.
Find it here: My Computer -> Right Click on C Drive Icon -> Disk Cleanup
Tip 4: Keep Operating System Software Updated.
Use the Windows Update in the start menu to keep your system updated. New security patches are always being released. Occasionally check for driver updates for your video card.
Use the Windows Update in the start menu to keep your system updated. New security patches are always being released. Occasionally check for driver updates for your video card.
Tip 5: Check Hard Drive Space. Keep clutter off your drive. If you don’t need it, get rid of it. Save files you won’t be using for a while to a CD or DVD. Not only does it give you more disk space for new files, you won’t have to go sift through so many files.
Tip 6: Get Rid of Spyware. Spyware is a cookie that you get by visiting websites. Most spyware will not harm your computer, but the information that save may bother those who like their privacy. Spyware can eat up system resources making your computer run slower.
Tip 7: Minimize Number of Programs Running. If you are trying to play a game, surf the Internet, work on your report, read email, and listen to mp3 files, you are using too much of your system resources. If your computer is trying to run too many programs when also trying to play a graphic intensive game, the graphics will be choppy, and figures will move slowly. Whenever possible play with only the game open.
Tip 8: Clean Out Add-on Game Files. If game allows for add-in files, like The Sims, clean out the files you don’t absolutely need. If you don’t play a particular saved game, save it to a disk or CD and delete it from the hard drive. If you play The Sims, you probably have tons of wallpaper and objects that you rarely use, get rid of them. You’ll be amazed by the space you’ll recover, by moving saved games, cities, and other custom files to CDs.
Tip 9: Shut Down Properly. Always shut your computer off using the shutdown option in the start menu. If you don’t you will cause errors and sometimes lose data.
Tip 10: Antivirus Program. Sometimes your anti-virus program will slow down the loading and playing of games. So if you aren’t on the Internet, go ahead and disable it. But remember to turn it back on if you logged back on to the Internet.